Jesus is NOT a Thief - inspirational gospel quotes

πŸŒŸπŸ“š The #AdvancedTeachingMinistry πŸ“šπŸŒŸ The #TheEMPEROR Of The #RocksonmaniaEMPIRE πŸ‘‘

                   πŸ† Jesus is NOT a Thief! πŸ†

πŸ“–1 Thess 5:2
“For you yourselves know full well that THE DAY of the Lord WILL COME JUST LIKE A THIEF in the night.”

JESUS, like A THIEF in the night? O no! NEVER!

🀷🏻‍♂ How should this be?

What you didn't notice is that Apostle Paul was referring directly to THE DAY itself coming like a thief NOT the Lord Jesus Himself.

You still don't get it? 🀷
Let me construe...!
Assuming I was traveling and made you a promise that I would return. Then two weeks later, I return on a Sunday night while you were fast asleep. Now tell me, which is more important, ME or THE DAY in which I returned? Me and the Day have nothing in common because I could have as well returned on a Tuesday night or Saturday night. What matters is MY RETURN not necessarily the Day in which I returned.

In other words, he simply means JESUS' return (Second Coming) will be UNEXPECTED. It's as simple as that. That's what Paul is trying to make very clear here... THE DAY the Lord Jesus will return is NOT AS IMPORTANT AS THE LORD HIMSELF.

Those who don't understand this are those who have misled many people by giving them several humanly calculated dates for JESUS' return. But guess what? They have ALL FAILED.

Please GROW UP...
πŸ“–Matthew 24:36 BUT OF THAT DAY and hour KNOWETH NO MAN, no, NOT THE ANGELS of heaven, BUT MY FATHER ONLY.

How can you read this πŸ‘† and still gullibly fall for those who set dates and times for JESUS' Return or as they call it, "the end of the world"????? How can you allow yourself to be FICKLE when the FACTS are crystal clear before you, as quoted above?

The Focus should be about the RETURN OF THE LORD JESUS HIMSELF not the way in which He will return, which is "like a thief in the night"!

It is imperative to understand the difference otherwise these confused 😈 "AD 70" guys 😈, who have been HIRED BY LUCIFER to infiltrate the Body of Christ, will cast their NET OF CONFUSION AND DECEPTION on you regarding the "HOLY NATURE" of the Lord Jesus Christ.

                ✏ The Difference...!

The difference between a THIEF and JESUS is this:
❌ A THIEF comes unexpectedly to take what does NOT belong to him.

✅ BUT JESUS will come unexpectedly to take WHO BELONGS TO HIM!

That is the hour, in which ALL HYPOCRISY STOPS.

So, on these grounds, may I ask:
DO YOU BELONG TO JESUS? Are you sure about your answer or you answered in a haste? Anyways, you could deceive everyone else around you or may even deceive yourself but no one can deceive the Almighty (All-knowing) God.

Here is what is written to this effect: πŸ‘‡
πŸ“–2 Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, THE LORD KNOWETH THEM THAT ARE HIS. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

              ✏ The Candid Counsel...!

πŸ“–Matt 24:44
“So YOU also MUST BE READY, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him".

Stop living a double life... Live with your focus strongly and solely FIXED on Jesus; live with the consciousness of His Return.

πŸ“–2 Timothy 4:8 Henceforth THERE IS LAID UP for me A CROWN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but UNTO ALL THEM ALSO THAT LOVE HIS APPEARING (Second Coming).

Most people say "When is He going to come? We don't think it's ever going to happen because it's been said over and over again, yet there are no evidences to attest to the claim of His return"?!?!

Let me say this to you, Sir/Ma:
The day you close your eyes in death, that's also the day you will see the One you thought would never return!

I say this with all sincerity and responsibility, the Return of the King of kings is VERY imminent.

              ✏ Our Salvation Is Nearer...!

πŸ“–Romans 13:11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for NOW IS OUR SALVATION NEARER than when we believed.

Neither Paul, nor any other apostle, knew the day of Christ's second coming.

He was EAGERLY looking forward to it and he wanted all believers to have the SAME EXPECTANT ATTITUDE he had.

The Holy Spirit INSPIRED him to use LANGUAGE suitable for EVERY generation of believers.
(Compare πŸ‘‰  πŸ“–Matt 24:36, 42, 44.)

πŸ“š “Salvation” (v 11) here means the completion of the salvation believers already have, which culminates into the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ!

πŸ“–2 Corinthians 1:10 Who DELIVERED us from so great a death, and DOTH DELIVER: in whom we trust that he WILL YET DELIVER us

πŸ‘‰ Delivered (Past)
πŸ‘‰ Doth deliver (Present continuous)
πŸ‘‰ Will yet deliver (future).... This is THAT SALVATION that the inspired Apostle Paul was referring to in πŸ“–Rom 13:11!

This is why I stand with my spiritual mother
Pastor Sophie Tonye James #MamariousWhatIsIt (as our spiritual father fondly calls her 😁) in declaring this truth πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡

🎺 Be ready at all times.
🎺 JESUS (The Captain Of πŸ‘‘ Our Salvation) IS COMING SOON.
🎺 He's almost here!

This is the truth, THE WHOLE TRUTH and nothing but the truth!

If you haven't made JESUS the Lord of your life, please I invite you to do so now. Time Is Running Out. (πŸ“–Romans 10:9-10)

You are blessed by all means IN JESUS NAME! 😍

I am praying for πŸ‘‰ YOU:
πŸ“–Colossians 1:10 "THAT YE MIGHT WALK WORTHY OF THE LORD UNTO ALL PLEASING, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God"

πŸ‘‘ Apostle RocksonMania Awesome Stephens 🌍
#inspirational gospel quotes


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