
Showing posts from September, 2019

Two things about the bible most people don't know - inspirational gospel quotes

🌟The #AdvancedTeachingMinistry by #TheEMPEROR Of The #RocksonmaniaEMPIRE                    πŸ† The BIBLE πŸ“–! πŸ† πŸ“–Hebrews 4:12  For THE WORD OF GOD is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. THE BIBLE is not a preserved relic from the past. It is a LIVING WORD. Why wouldn't it be when the very breath of God is upon it from Genesis to Revelation! πŸ“ What is alive does not need preserving. ✏ πŸ“–2 Timothy 3:16 πŸ“œ ESV: All Scripture is BREATHED OUT BY GOD and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness πŸ“œ NIV: All Scripture is GOD-BREATHED and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness Its message is absolutely the HIGHEST OF ALL MESSAGES. What makes its message the highest of a...

Jesus is NOT a Thief - inspirational gospel quotes

πŸŒŸπŸ“š The #AdvancedTeachingMinistry πŸ“šπŸŒŸ The #TheEMPEROR Of The #RocksonmaniaEMPIRE πŸ‘‘                    πŸ† Jesus is NOT a Thief! πŸ† πŸ“–1 Thess 5:2 “For you yourselves know full well that THE DAY of the Lord WILL COME JUST LIKE A THIEF in the night.” JESUS, like A THIEF in the night? O no! NEVER! 🀷🏻‍♂ How should this be? What you didn't notice is that Apostle Paul was referring directly to THE DAY itself coming like a thief NOT the Lord Jesus Himself. You still don't get it? 🀷 Let me construe...! Assuming I was traveling and made you a promise that I would return. Then two weeks later, I return on a Sunday night while you were fast asleep. Now tell me, which is more important, ME or THE DAY in which I returned? Me and the Day have nothing in common because I could have as well returned on a Tuesday night or Saturday night. What matters is MY RETURN not necessarily the Day in which I returned. In other words, he simpl...


🌟 #AdvancedTeachingMinistry πŸ“š             JESUS CHRIST ALONE IS THE TRUE PROBLEM SOLVER. There are countless CULTS promising PERSONALITY ENHANCEMENT by πŸ‘‰ Meditation, πŸ‘‰ Mind-power, πŸ‘‰ Capturing the cosmic force, or πŸ‘‰ Tuning in to the infinite. The truth is they promise nothing at all except TEMPORARY RELIEF or tranquility of spirit if you keep it up like Yoga. They are not a cure for the cancer - SIN, the ROOT of our inner tensions. πŸ“–Romans 3:23 For ALL HAVE SINNED, and COME SHORT of the glory of God So, all these cults are like the aspirin adverts; they say, “they relieve the headache but do not affect the heart". Psychiatrists, all over the world, assure the masses that all people need is to be CALMED DOWN. If I, Apostle Rockson Stephens, the SON of #TheRockStar Apostle Victor James, were to meet with any one of them, I will look at him and say without apology: "Mister, a man on a sinking ship needs more than a tranquillizer. H...

MORE ABOUT JESUS - inspirational gospel quotes

#AdvancedTeachingMinistry #TheEMPEROR Of The Rocksonmania E MPIRE             MORE, MORE ABOUT JESUS! JESUS was not born to become a Savior. Has this reality dawned on you yet? He ALREADY was the Savior before He came to Bethlehem. That TREMENDOUS FACT came from the mouth of: πŸ‘‰ ANGELS ‘Unto you is BORN this day A SAVIOR which is Christ the Lord’. πŸ“–Luke 2:11. πŸ“ HE WAS BORN A SAVIOR. ✏ πŸ‘‰ THE MAGI Again at His birth the Magi asked ‘Where is he that is BORN KING of the Jews’. πŸ“–Matt 2:2 πŸ“ HE WAS BORN A KING. ✏ They (the Magi) knew A MAN had been born A KING, not a man who would become a King later. No! We can never talk about what Jesus had been. We shouldn't even go there. It's a dreadful territory. It is an error we must never attempt to make. Yet, that's how some people, especially most ministers or preachers talk about JESUS. Far be it from us that we would even think or consider such a thing concerning Jesus. πŸ“–Ephesians 5:3 "...

The CROSS: An Act Of GREATNESS - inspirational gospel quotes

#AdvancedTeachingMinistry         πŸ† The CROSS: An Act Of GREATNESS! πŸ† πŸ“–1 Corinthians 1:17 For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.                         4⃣ Things To Note πŸ“ 1* Baptism is NOT a calling. No one is called by the Godhead to baptize or preach it. 2* We are ultimately sent and assigned to preach the Gospel of Christ 3* Motivational speaking (wisdom of words) waters down the power that the Gospel is supposed to communicate. 4* If through the "wisdom of words" (motivational speaking, philosophical oratory) the Cross of Christ is made of none effect that means there's an EFFECTUAL WORKING OF GOD'S POWER that is resident in the Cross of Christ; and that power is released as the Gospel is preached. I submit to you, therefore, without apology, that if any man (regardless of his s...

Jesus CHOSE The LEAST Likely - inspirational gospel quotes

        #AdvancedTeachingMinistry          Jesus CHOSE The LEAST Likely! (He CHOSE FISHERMEN, Not Princes, To Be HIS AMBASSADORS.) Christianity has an UNCONDITIONAL ‘WELCOME’ above its doors for: πŸ‘‰ the storm tossed, πŸ‘‰ the broken in spirit, and πŸ‘‰ the inadequate. The invitation is to ALL, not SOME! πŸ“–Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, ALL ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. It is the arm of God’s love thrown around those who have given up on themselves, or been given up by the world, and have not got what it takes. Now we know that it is true when Jesus said: "If you would believe you would see the glory of God" (πŸ“–John 11:40). This is the glory of God in display! CHRIST CAN MAKE US – we who otherwise would never make it. πŸ“–Matthew 4:19 "And He (Jesus) saith unto them, Follow me, AND I WILL MAKE YOU..." In the Gospels, WE SEE JESUS coming open-faced and open‑armed. To Him, there were no nobodie...

Jesus Is THE Truth - inspirational gospel quotes

  #AdvancedTeachingMinistry πŸ“š                     πŸ† Jesus Is THE Truth! πŸ†                         (Christianity IS Christ) My beloved brethren, it is my pleasure to bring you the Gospel of Christ, the hidden place of God's Power. (πŸ“–Romans 1:16) I would to God that you will both EMBRACE this truth and EXERCISE yourself in its entirety and reality as your whole life most certainly depends on it. πŸ“–John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I AM the way, THE TRUTH, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. NOW, let's take a closer look at the SALVATION MESSAGE that Apostle Peter had been sent to preach to Cornelius. πŸ“ (Please kindly take time to read it in πŸ“–Acts chapter 10:34-43.) That portion of the Bible, no doubt, is a summary of Peter's sermon, picking out the highlights, but we can see at once that PETER SIMPLY TALKED ABOUT JESUS. This is ver...

The GOOD NEWS: The Greatest Crowd Puller - inspirational gospel quotes

        #AdvancedTeachingMinistry The GOOD NEWS: The Greatest Crowd Puller πŸ† The GOOD NEWS: The Greatest Crowd Puller! The GOSPEL can also be referred to as the "GOOD NEWS". But what is this "Good News" about? ✝ It's obviously about the unconditional love and grace of God expressed through JESUS CHRIST in His death, burial and glorious resurrection. πŸ“–1 Cor 15:1-4 πŸ“œ1 Cor 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;  πŸ“œ 15:4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: ✝ The Good News is the message of "PEACE WITH GOD" (the greatest desire of the ages; see πŸ“–Job 9:33) which was made possible ONLY by Jesus Christ! πŸ“–Romans 5:1 (MSB)  By entering through faith into what God has always wanted to do for us--set us right with him, make us fit for him--we have it all together with God BECAUSE OF OUR MASTER JE...

COMPLETE Freedom Of ACCESS - inspirational gospel quotes

 #AdvancedTeachingMinistry          πŸ† COMPLETE Freedom Of ACCESS! πŸ† πŸ“ When we pray, we pray on the SAME BASIS and with the SAME RIGHTS as Paul, John, James and Peter. ✏ We RANK EQUAL with the greatest saints. ✒ ✝ The promises to them are the promises to us. ✝ They prayed the same kind of prayers as we pray (Glossolalia). ✝ We have the same privileges as they had. πŸ“–John 10:16 And OTHER SHEEP I have, which are NOT OF THIS FOLD (that's us, now): them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be ONE FOLD, and ONE SHEPHERD. πŸ“–Mark 13:37 "...what I say unto you I say unto ALL..." ✏ God has no favorites except we are ALL His favorites. ✒ ✝ The early apostles had the same key to the door as we have – THE NAME OF JESUS. The consciousness and comprehension of this reality (if taken seriously and literally) will change your life forever, believe you me! We (the new creation) come to the front door and walk in, πŸ‘‰ w...